WTCalliance Global Shipping provides its agents with a globally accepted online HBL. They provide Customs services which is convenient and acceptable globally. WTCGS also works with its agents to secure competitive rates. Joining WTCGC is free with your enrolment to WTCalliance. It is not mandatory to support WTCalliance Global shipping, you are free to choose to obtain these services at your convenience.
WTCalliance valued Partner Pay is the unique payment system by which members can do company-to-company transactions without any fees subject to Market exchange rates and WTCalliance treasures rates. it is a benefit available to every “Qualified Active Member” company at no cost. Members can save thousands of dollars per year in payment transaction charges. WTCVPP is an online payment system that allows members to instantly pay or/and receive money from their partners anywhere in the world.
WTCalliance team may also help you to collect Advance payment from any of the related agents which helps to secure payment of concerned members as well as help to complete hassle-free transactions between members of different regions.
WTCVPP allows members to manage and maintain their account payables and receivables in a simple and effective manner with minimizing transaction fees which leads to boost profit margins of members for related shipments.
Please take a good note that this service is the part of benefits attached to our “WTC Standard” & and “WTC Premium” Annual Membership plans. It is a special added privilege to our “WTC Standard” & and “WTC Premium” members and this benefit is by default attached and applicable to both categories of membership plan post they are certified as "Active Paid Members".
WTCalliance Digital world is one of the platforms where you can find online solutions for all digital needs. Our range of services includes custom website development, electronic AWB data exchange, air and ocean tracking, etc. All-access to WTCalliance Digital World and useful data is available to our Active Members for free.
WTCalliance offers an opportunity to its valued partners to Connect virtually with each other’s. The process helps to unlock the hidden business possibilities around the globe.
WTC’s valued Members can enjoy priority to display among others with brand logo in WTCalliance, all round brand promotion by domestic & abroad media and all social networks of WTCalliance.
Also, WTC support in sending up to 100,000 mass emails for marketing to introduce yourself to all partners around the globe.
We assure for availability of best logistics power connectivity to have new business opportunities to our all valued members. As member of WTC Alliance, you are free to post and receive inquiry at our Freight inquiry system (FIS).
It is a unique platform where our valued partners have an opportunities to connect physically or/and virtually for global reach as well as for promoting their individual business brand.
WTCalliance’s online Quotation System is a FREE member-only platform that allows you to send and receive RFQs with fellow members worldwide.
OQS allows partner's to prepare accurate quotes that minimize the potential for cost overruns on any services that don't meet your requirements. Ultimately The WTCalliance Online Quotation System will ensure that all parties know exactly what each other wants and thus one can be able to offer/ Receive a reasonable price quote. OQS system also allows you to evaluate different partner's value apart from just sourcing about the price.
WTCalliance Online Quotation System is very easy to understand & and use, it helps you to get an accurate quote faster & and helps to cut down on the back-and-forth emails. Due to this system members can skip the cross-member verification process and also get rid of the problem which is related to payment terms. It's proven that the system helps all members to secure new businesses from around the globe with new partners they perhaps may not have considered in the past.
Thus, WTCalliance’s OQS system helps to increase the quality and quantity of professional connectivity between the partners which ultimately leads to boosting the business possibility.
It is an added privilege to our “Qualified Active Member”.