

Connect virtually for GLOBAL REACH and Brand promotion


WTCalliance provides a helping hand to create an opportunity for all “Active Paid Members” to Connect virtually with each other to explore greater opportunities. It helps to unlock the hidden business potential around the globe.

WTCalliance supports active members in conducting one-to-one business conferences around the globe and promoting the brand and company around the globe which leads to upgrading the logistic business of each member to the next level.

WTCalliance’s members always enjoy priority to display their brand logo in WTCalliance’s all digital platforms, to brand promotion by domestic & and abroad media and social networks & to introduce your company to all “Active and Potential Members” around the globe. We assure the availability of the best logistics power connectivity and new business opportunities for our Active Members. As a member of WTCalliance, you are free to post and receive inquiries at our Freight inquiry system (FIS).